Want a new – and healthy – body? Change your approach!

We have ultimate control over our lives: nothing is impossible if we consciously realize it.
But all too often, and willingly, we run into incorrect dynamics that result in counterproductive habits: in short, we self-sabotage, and we do it with disarming naturalness.
First and foremost, awareness is the key that opens all doors for us.
After all, what is awareness if not the ability to remember and learn from mistakes?
It is the key to meeting all challenges, from the easiest to the most demanding.
It is with awareness that we activate all desires, intentions, hopes, fears, and dreams as well.
And the moment we are aware we experience wonderful feelings such as clarity, alertness, interest, curiosity, balance, openness, and assertiveness.
You can master only what you know and are aware of.
This is a question we should strive to ask ourselves every day.
Everyone, no one excluded. We can make ourselves happy now.
By changing our attitude, we also modify our inner self which often works against us, even when we do not realize it.
When we change our inner messages, we are not just talking to ourselves, we are writing new pages in the book of our lives.
It is amazing, isn’t it?
That is why the moment we are overwhelmed by a negative thought or emotion the best strategy is to say “stop!” and stop, taking note of what we are thinking and replacing this thought/emotion with its positive opposite.
This is exactly how we set in motion the process of rewriting our history.
And we get to change our bodies as well, just like that. It is useless to struggle if we do not like the image of us that the mirror gives us back. And it is even more useless to beat ourselves up and give up, thinking that there is nothing in our power to change things.
The body is constantly changing; it is not an immutable fact.
We need to be aware of this. We can create a new body now with conscious choices.
Let us begin to feed on lightness, to feel carefree, light, and lively.
Let us reshape our being and spirit, and feel light and delicate.
Let us turn the passive into active, the old into new, and pessimism into optimism. Let us bring newness into our lives, and regain health, lost body shape, and deep well-being.
It’s all a matter of balance
Let’s change “This is how I have to eat” to “This is how I like to eat.”
And remember that our body shape is directly proportional to our health: if we are balanced, we are more likely to be normal weight.
The things that make us fat are the same things that make us sick, exactly like the things that make us stay healthy also make us lose weight.
And this balance, so subtle and delicate, depends on 5 closely interconnected factors:
- what we eat
- how much and what kind of exercise we do
- how we rest
- how we relate to others
- what we think (thoughts) and feel (emotions)
- how we react to what happens to us
To regain optimal fitness and maintain it, it is necessary to fill up: with healthy foods, love, joy, serenity, and awareness.
This leads us to act directly on all these 5 aspects.
We start by using more appropriate terms to build a new approach: no longer diet, but food philosophy.
A food philosophy that does not see us dieting, but involves getting healthy. It is also much more appealing to our brains to receive an impulse that does not speak of renunciation and sacrifice but of fulfillment.
Food is not our enemy; on the contrary! It is our most powerful ally against disease and aging.
The moment we learn to trust our body to know what we need, it takes care of us, and no longer offers resistance. The secret lies in re-tuning the messages that connect mind and body, and once again becoming active protagonists, that can rewrite their story now, in each moment.
Where to start? Let’s start by stopping obsessing about our bodies: this allows us to move away from disappointment and frustration and gives us the space to change our thoughts and re-tune them properly to new waves more in line with the new version of ourselves.
Shall we try?