Mind-body connection: how thoughts and emotions affect our health

We are what we think, and emotions are more than real: they exist in time…

Carb craving: how to break free from sugar addiction!

What is the difference between a healthy, free person and one addicted to sugar and…

Want a new – and healthy – body? Change your approach!

We have ultimate control over our lives: nothing is impossible if we consciously realize it.But…

Paleo diet: characteristics and benefits

Surely you have already heard of the Paleo diet: it is not exactly a diet,…

Health is not for everyone

Health is for those who are curious, study, are not content, and do not blindly…

Vertebral realignment: an interview with Pinter Miroslav

Chiropractic massage is true art: the art of healing at the deepest and subtlest level.…

Water, “thinking” substance

Water is essential for all the vital functions of our body: respiration, digestion, absorption, and…

Regeneration of the nervous system at the level of deep consciousness: an interview with Pinter Miroslav

Regeneration of the nervous system at the level of deep consciousness is a technique that…

When it is our emotions that drive us to eat

We do not always eat out of true hunger and almost never stop when we…