What do you choose to bring into your life “every day”?

What do you choose to bring into your life every day?
What do you decide to let go of?
What do you want to achieve?
Three simple questions that can, nevertheless, give you a push to make “the” decisive breakthrough, and take action.
Not just at the beginning of the year BUT every day.
Because every day, you have a chance to be reborn and rebuild your life from scratch.
Listen to yourself.
Recover that lost connection with your body and mind.
Treat yourself to “real” and profound transformation, which is real, concrete, and lasting.
Break the mold.
Do something you have never done, something “different” and that you usually would not do.
And do not settle. Do not settle for your health, your physical and mental fitness, for what you know and can do.
And not even settle for your relationships, if they do not completely reflect who you are!
Foster the ambition of always improving, in everything.
Each day, all the time.
You can build new skills, abandon them, and acquire new ones.
You have the world in your hands – or rather, in your heart – if only you can realize it and consciously dedicate time, energy, and passion to improving yourself, one step at a time. Starting with simple things, and then moving on to bigger and more challenging ones.
The awareness that everything originates and dies in our hearts, starting from our emotions that create our thoughts and then become concrete actions, gives us enormous power.
The power to create reality and build it only with what is functional to our well-being, the real one.
A well-being that goes beyond and is made of Love (for ourselves in the first place!), freedom, awareness, and balance.
Here, I wish you to break all the molds you are used to.
To turn your life upside down and make it unique and special.
And to be aware that you can do anything and be anyone if only you want it.
It is up to you to take on the challenge of overcoming limits and obstacles.
And start shaping your reality into something truly unique and wonderful.