Biohacking 4.0: applying Quantum Physics to level up

Biohacking: a concept that is very close to my heart because that is where I started, about ten years ago. And I am still convinced that if I had not first beaten this path and biohacked body and, above all, mind, I would not have been ready for a bigger leap. I am talking about the evolutionary leap that I have made in the last two years – thanks to the teachings of András Kovács-Magyar – and that has made me understand “what” the real “biohacking” is, and how it is part of a higher level.
Because the “real” biohacking, in my opinion, does not require supplements and is not reduced to special or particular techniques. Of course, as far as techniques are concerned, there are interesting ones at no cost, and they must all be acquired and integrated. They are the basis -the A B C- that allows the biological physical body to function properly and “perform”. However, nutrition, breathing, cold showers, fasting, and infrared rays are only techniques. They are tools -although all instrumental- in the toolbox that we have here at the 3D level, the “material” level. But they are merely “tools” of this level.
True Biohacking is, first and foremost, knowing that it is the invisible realm that holds up the visible world. And, for who has ears to hear and an open heart… I would have said enough, or rather, I would have said everything.
Awareness of the spiritual world – that goes beyond science and religion!
It is interesting to note that the Greek word “faith” means “spiritual perspective” . Having an awareness of the spiritual world does not mean having faith in “something or someone”, but recognizing and clearly understanding that there is “something” beyond: beyond the material world, beyond 3D, beyond what we “touch” with our hands and “see” with our eyes. And this “something” has full power over this lower level, where we are now with the body, the physical biological level. Quantum physics has opened us up to a previously unthinkable awareness. It has subverted paradigms and dogmas: it has allowed us to think and reach “beyond”. And quantum physics applied to Biohacking is, in my opinion, the next and obligatory step to level up. Even the very use of supplements –of any kind, even natural!– becomes useless if not counterproductive when we reason from the perspective of quantum physics and “matrix information”.
We have within us everything we need to go back to health and stay healthy: the only thing we have to do is to “access” this power by eliminating all the interference that separates us from this awareness. Eliminate all interference, at all levels: physical, energetic, mental, emotional, relational, of the soul, and spiritual.
And supplements are interferences on the physical and energetic level, as they have a counterclockwise spin (even the ordinary and natural-like vitamin C), which recreates chaos inside our cells.
To arrive at “perfection” we must work day by day toward “perfection”.
It sounds like a play on words, but it’s nothing short of the truth. When they exclude the usage of supplements, the classic biohacking techniques can help us eliminate some interference because they project us toward the best version of ourselves. They help us to perform better and regain awareness, at least of our body and mind. And here’s the kicker: what is missing to level up?
The intuitive part of the heart.
The heart never lies, it has only one truth, so much so that it is not important what you have in your head, but what is in your heart. And re-accessing that primordial intuition takes us up a level, and allows us to embark on a wonderful path that is the path of the Soul. Since it is the Spirit that has creative power, not our thoughts, this allows us to align ourselves with our Spirit, and our Soul’s mission, here on Earth, in this lifetime. Accessing the awareness of the heart allows us to access information that will turn our lives upside down.
Nothing will ever be the same again.
After peeking into the “upper floor” it is impossible to go back to thinking and acting as before, precisely because each paradigm changes. It changes the view on things and the world. You discover dimensions and levels “on which” and “from” to act and the real journey begins, a journey without an end, but wonderfully intriguing.
If, for example, we approach reality with a “spiritual” gaze, we are naturally aware of the influence that geopathic radiations (energy lines of spiritual influence known in ancient times as Hartmann lines and nodes or water veins) have on our state of inflammation and disease.
Moving the bed is the key: it is that simple, and yet… how many people know? Everyone dwells on Curry lines; however these have a completely different nature, they are not fundamental for our energetic state, nor do they directly affect our health because they do not carry any “spiritual information”.
This was an example to point out that we always dwell on something else. Until we bring to the surface the true awareness that “we are continually creating through the Spirit who is creative consciousness and is God” (András Kovács-Magyar). It is only by observing from above, from a position of privileged awareness, that we can understand that all coaching paths are useful, but they only get us so far. Knowing Who, and not What, we are brings us closer to God and our creative power. And to be truly WHO we are, we must put things in order.
Putting your 3D body and thoughts in order with biohacking and coaching, and then moving on to the higher levels, to the soul and Spirit.
We are co-creators with God, but Who is God? I am not referring to what the Catholic Church has been offering us for centuries, nor to the Eastern new-age ideas that have been so popular in the last 50 years.
Why did I take the liberty of talking about Quantum Physics applied to Biohacking? Because Quantum Physics is nothing more than the study of the Soul and the Spirit, only expressed in other terms.
Quantum Physics is God, but a God referred to in “scientific” terms.
The Matrix’s information, God, defines what becomes a proton or an electron, and contains within itself the past, present, and future. And it is different from the concept of “energy.”
Applying Quantum Physics to Biohacking means accessing even greater power and not stopping at the 3D level, but understanding, knowing, and operating also on other levels.
We operate digitally, not analogically: through experience. And experience is defined by awareness. Empirical experiences are the seal of awareness. We believe only when you can have the experience.
The body is our software and, through “information”, we upload experiences and progress, we evolve. Everything is information, inside and outside of us. This awareness opens us up to a much higher power. If everything we experience in terms of imbalances and diseases on the physical-biological plane – that is, here in the 3D – derives from disharmonies and traumas of the Soul and Spirit, and therefore from higher levels, it becomes clear that acting only on this level using, for example, simple biohacking techniques, will not get very far.
Leveling up allows us to operate on all levels. And above all, having the awareness that there is “something other” lets us identify at what level traumas or imprints of traumas have been generated, or are generated. If unresolved, these traumas leave an indelible mark in the 3D.
In short, by Biohacking 4.0 I mean a 360° approach, with a higher vantage point on the scale of evolution, which we are all called upon to experience sooner or later.
Sooner or later, but all of us.
If not in this life… in the next ones.