The Secrets of the Templars: interview with Csaba Vida

In his latest novel, Csaba Vida reveals the authentic secrets of the Templars: mysteries whispered and hidden between the pages of this gripping and compelling story lead us on a journey through the past, present and future. Between the lines we find all the precious teachings of Andràs: reincarnation and talents, the difference between alchemy and chemistry, celestial and earthly connections… and much, much more. Like great treasures, they are gradually revealed to the reader and reveal themselves as fundamental stages in the history of humanity to help us better understand ourselves.
Magia, spirit world, reincarnation, alchemy, secret underground world … What is The Secrets of the Templar really about?
The story is set in 1919 in Hungary. It gives us a glimpse into a time when the Hungarian nation, doomed to death on multiple levels by a lost war, the Spanish flu epidemic, the Romanian invasion and the Bolshevik revolution, is saved by divine providence. How and by whom? – That is what this novel is about.
The reader is presented with a mystical story, not of abstract fantasy, but of real phenomena and actual events, which we can only know superficially and distorted from official history. I did not want to be one of those writers who present things that are impossible in the everyday world, or who endow their heroes with qualities that are not real. Positive heroes and evil men as well, achieve and attain their goals with qualities and abilities of a very different kind than those we learn about in the movies and books.
The central character of the novel is a human spirit returning to his 700 year old incorruptible body, bringing a message from God. During his short stay of 6 months, he helps many people with the methods and tools he has known and practiced in previous lives. In addition, it is thanks to him that an uplifting phase in Hungarian history, known to all, has been initiated.
The miracle of incorrupt bodies has been around for ages, but today it gets little publicity.
This is true, even though we know from historical and religious documents that in ancient times almost everyone knew of the miracles associated with the incorruptible bodies of great kings and healing, miracle-working saints. The stories of the Hungarian King St. László and St. Margaret, the Byzantine St. John of Alamis, and the Egyptian St. Paul of Thebes were part of mythology and thus part of basic culture. In Italy, France, and Portugal, many incorrupt bodies have been found, which in all ages have been considered a sign of the greatest sanctity. Most recently, the incorruptible body of Padre Pio, which has been incorrupted for 40 years, has caused a sensation worldwide.
Today’s books and films don’t talk about incorrupt bodies, but mummies that come to life are a favorite subject for filmmakers.
Perhaps it is this inexplicable, divine miracle that the Egyptian mummies, which have received so much press coverage and Hollywood movies, are trying to divert attention from. Apart from the disciples of András Kovács-Magyar, probably no one knows that the Egyptian mummies were merely an attempt to imitate the incorruptible bodies of the glorious pharaohs of the first six Egyptian dynasties. And who did all this? Well, the demonic people who killed them, and who chose this way to make the people believe that they were also sons of gods. The artificially preserved corpses are poor, ridiculous fakes, they have nothing to do with the divine grace that only those who have lived the most glorious lives could have received.
In my story, an outstandig spirit, whose body remained incorrupt in one of his lives and is hidden in the kazamas of Buda Castle in Budapest, comes to life again, and performs numerous divine miracles. Not in the way that today’s movies present heroes, by flying or killing dozens of enemies, but by the program of the Good God: he heals, saves lives, halts demonic forces, and inspires people to grow on the levels of soul and spirit, nobility, and heroism.
A question arose in me: could it be that the makers of today’s movies are actually trying to distract attention from reality?
In today’s mystery novels and movies, there is a confusion of symbols and instruments used by the dark side or the children of the Good God. Nowadays, the dark figures, the murderers, the robbers, and the gangsters are presented as positive heroes. Today’s generation, as well as people who are ignorant of mythology and the spirit world, believe the often repeated thesis according to which there are well-meaning abusers, lovable murderers, and even child-friendly dragons.
Two authors are shown on the cover – what does this mean?
For nearly 20 years, I have been a disciple and friend of András Kovács-Magyar spiritual teacher, healer, and inventor. I have been attending his lectures and his spiritual school from the very beginning. At first, I just listened and memorized, and then I started to take notes because I noticed that many things he says only once, are not written down anywhere, they are not recorded, so they are not recorded for later generations. Taking a pinch from those notes, from his vast knowledge, how this book was born. András’s name is listed first on the cover because all the valuable thoughts and spiritual knowledge come from him. I am very grateful to him for all that he has given me over the years.
Dreams play an important role in the book.
The main character is often warned by his dreams, preparing him for the situations in his life to come. Dreams are in fact messages from the spirit world, the interpretation of which seems irrelevant to people today, even though our dreams are often more important than our awake thoughts or actions. Dreams and their interpretations, strange intuitions, and spiritual inspirations play an important role in the life of the hero.
The ideological basis of the book is the mystery and the struggle between the two creative forces.
The history of mankind is nothing but the struggle between the dark side, namely Satan and the Good God. The battlefield between them in today’s world is the human mind, the thoughts we conceive and believe to be our own. Every minute of our lives, we are all exposed to the influence and deception of the dark side through our thoughts. We can also learn about how this works, in this book.
The differences between modern science and the old alchemical and magia knowledge are also discussed. Why do you think this is important?
There are so many exaggerated books and movies about dark forces, magia, and spirits that ignorant people think that what they read and see in these works is the actual reality. Then, because they do not experience the distorted phenomena they see in the movies, they get comforted by assuming that it certainly did not happen to them. In the meantime, agents of the dark side – whether spirits or humans – are unnoticeably and quietly at work, insidiously disrupting and even ruining the lives of millions of unsuspecting people.
What makes this book unique, why do you consider it a forerunner of a new era?
The spirit world, communicating with spirits is probably my biggest dream since I met András Kovács-Magyar. He is a unique medium who testifies day after day to his direct contact with the highest regions of heaven. They are the ones who teach him, and from whom he draws his insights that far surpass human knowledge. András has started a worldwide unique mediumship training where we, the students as well, are given the opportunity to communicate with the spirits of the otherworld. Every time I am fascinated by the feeling of receiving the intuitions of a previously living spirit. It is then that I feel that the world is much, much more than we can imagine.
Perhaps the greatest problem of our time is the misleads in almost every area of life, the manipulations, and the officialized lies that affect billions of people worldwide. Only the spirit world knows the true reality, and those who are cut off from this channel live in a kind of daze, drifting at the whim of a dark force. This was brilliantly demonstrated 25 years ago in the film The Matrix. At the time I was just astonished, but now, that, thanks to András, I can see more and more clearly the intentions and forces behind all this, my attitude to life has changed completely. As an interesting point, I would like to mention that Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and The Dune movies explore this theme as well, by placing the reality of present-day people in a distant galaxy or in the long past.
In your book, The Secrets of the Templar, you show the powers of darkness and light. What is your intention with this?
I have specifically sought to present the dark and light powers in the nature of how they work, in a way that anyone can experience them in their own life. No fanciful phenomena have been given a place in the book, but reality is presented. My intention is to make it easier for us to recognize the harmful forces in our own lives and in our environment.
In the same way that the dark side works through its sons on Earth, it is through his children that the Good God can intervene in human history. While the forces of evil work to destroy and create fear, the powers of light work to heal, to bring life, and to create. We can always tell who belongs to which side by their actions. Unfortunately, even the good can fall for the dark side, mainly because of their ignorance and the deceptions they fall into.
The dark side has destroyed books written before on similar subjects, and falsified history going back thousands of years, because it knows that people can learn from true history and would not make the same mistakes over and over again. Knowing the true past and the hidden contexts shows us a way out of our own mazes of soul and spirit. Our reviving spiritual awareness opens the doors to a new world.
I trust that the book will awaken the interest of spiritually open readers in real mysticism and spiritual truths, but I cannot promise that it will fully satisfy their curiosity. It contains only a hint of the spiritual teachings of András Kovács-Magyar. It is not a secret wish to arouse interest in András’s book, which presents the knowledge about how the spirit world works and the history of mankind, in an authentic and profound way. The Biggest Secret: The Truth is a rigorous and detailed account of the spiritual phenomena taking place on Earth and in otherworldly realms.
What would you conclude our conversation with?
The spirit world is constantly illuminating our lives, we just need to train our minds to perceive its rays. The readers whose eyes are opened to these truths return to where they belong: in the embracing arms of the Good God.