Health is not for everyone

Health is for those who are curious, study, are not content, and do not blindly…

Earthing: why it is so effective in reducing inflammation

“Earthing” means staying connected to the earth. And since the earth is negatively charged, that…

Creating a mindset that is functional to your goals

Is there a right way to achieve a goal?The answer is “yes”, but only if…

Vertebral realignment: an interview with Pinter Miroslav

Chiropractic massage is true art: the art of healing at the deepest and subtlest level.…

Water, “thinking” substance

Water is essential for all the vital functions of our body: respiration, digestion, absorption, and…

Creative Information Codes: the “matrix” of “well-being”

Matrix information is pure creative information. The laws of quantum physics explain, and demonstrate that…

Regeneration of the nervous system at the level of deep consciousness: an interview with Pinter Miroslav

Regeneration of the nervous system at the level of deep consciousness is a technique that…

Sartorial strategy for top health! 

Coming from the world of Fashion, when I think of health and well-being, I like…

What do you choose to bring into your life “every day”? 

What do you choose to bring into your life every day? What do you decide…

When it is our emotions that drive us to eat

We do not always eat out of true hunger and almost never stop when we…