Water, “thinking” substance

Water is essential for all the vital functions of our body: respiration, digestion, absorption, and blood circulation.
It has “magical” properties that depend on its molecular structure: a particular structure that acts “outside the box.”
Indeed, water “stores”, and its structure can change, and twist in response to chemical, mechanical or electromagnetic stresses.
Masaru Emoto’s studies on water crystals are proof of this: water has its own “memory” and “consciousness” that can be influenced by thoughts, emotions, and words.
That is why the claim that its properties are “magical” is anything but reductive, for better or worse.
It is the matrix of Life, and the basis of our metabolism.
It is the amniotic fluid of the Earth, necessary to generate and grow Life, and its healing properties have connotations that act outside of any pattern. And therein lies the magic.
One example? Structural memory allows water to retain and absorb certain specifications from the environment.
On the border between physics and biology, it can retain the memory of the substances with which it has come into contact.
“In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans.”
(Kahil Gibran)
It can, therefore, be called an Entity, a medium of messages, and, at the same time, it is “the” message itself: a message made of lights, sounds, vibrations, and, why not, even words and thoughts.
Yes, that is right, thoughts!
It is fantastic and shocking at the same time if we only consider that our body is 70% made up of water!
It is fantastic because it makes us aware that every day, at any time, we can re-program ourselves and modify, at a cellular level, both our structure and our biochemical components.
It is shocking because it makes us even more aware that even, and especially, negative thoughts have an immense power and a considerable impact on our state of illness!
“It has been found that if we utter “heavy,” negative, low-vibration thoughts with great energy, these can reorient the hydrogen atoms, forcing them to almost double, become heavier, and make normal water dead.”(taken from Dr. Filonov’s Treatise on Dry Fasting)
So, it is clear that we can influence the water with our thoughts, feelings, and words.
It is interesting, right?
In Nature nothing is chance: things are less complicated than what we tell ourselves, what we believe, and how we deal with them. Ironically, if we put our body in a position to communicate with us, it will tell us what it needs! Therefore, let’s put our body in the optimal condition to communicate its real needs.
And then let’s listen to it. With all the humility, respect, and love it deserves.
We will be pleasantly surprised if we open up to new scenarios and re-discover water as a “vehicle of spirituality”, purifying and renewing us, ready to be informed with new forms and possibilities.
Indeed, it has always been the preferred element for conveying divine, Creator’s frequency information.
It is also the most immediate, simple tool to rebalance our body on a quantum level and bring us to a new consciousness and awareness.